Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Stop Violence Against Women

November 25th is the International Day Against Violence Against Women. Violence against women is a problem in every country in the world. In Britain, one in four women have experienced domestic violence, and every week two women are killed by their current or former partner. Every minute the police receive a call reporting domestic violence, but it’s estimated that less than half of all domestic violence is even reported.

Women’s Aid are holding a ’16 days of action’ campaign this year, which was launched on November 25th and continues until December 10th. The aim is to encourage everyone to take a stand against domestic violence. There are 16 ways to help – I won’t list them all here as you can find that information on the
website, but here are a few ideas:

  • Most obviously, you can donate money. You can donate £3 through your mobile bill by texting the word ‘ACT’ to 84424 or you can visit this section of the website for other ways to donate money.
  • Check out the ‘Buy and Donate’ options on the Women’s Aid website. You can purchase everything from CDs and DVDs to Christmas cards and lip-gloss, and raise money for Women’s Aid at no cost to yourself.
  • Recycle your old mobile phone or printer cartridge and raise funds for Women’s Aid

Please consider supporting Women’s Aid through one of these options. They help over 250,000 women every year, through their free helpline, the provision of refuge accommodation for women escaping domestic violence, and providing counselling and other support for women.

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